To Lift Your spirits

In the wake of terrorist killings in Paris and other parts of the world recently, you might be feeling not so optimistic about our future here on earth.  If so, it might lift your spirits to remember that, while this physical world is real, it is a real illusion.  Ideas and thoughts are also real.  There is a deeper underlying spiritual reality on which this material one is based. While we exist in this material one, our major presence is in the spiritual realm, where we exist outside of time, space and other limitations.

When we die, we gradually come to realize the illusory nature of our earth experience, which we willingly enter in order to know firsthand the emotions that can only come from going through it.  When we go back in, we agree to temporarily forget the larger spiritual reality, so that we can play the Time-Space Illusion Game that we are all playing.

The thing to remember is, no matter how badly we do as a human race, even if we destroy this physical planet in time, we go on existing in the spirit realm, and we will join in co-creating many different types of realities, as we might choose.

In some of those realities we will understand that, beyond the illusions in which we decide to participate, there are no beginnings and endings, and that our total existence consists of co-creating anything and everything we want under all types of circumstances and “root assumptions” about the “rules of the game” in which we’re participating.

We are always creating and experiencing as we choose, and there is never a “time” when we are outside of “God,” which might best be defined, as Seth stated, to be “the simultaneous, infinite explosion of all that is.” So no matter how bad things might appear to your senses right now, be assured that right now, the larger spirit-form you is existing in one big, eternal joyride!

No Hope for the Lazy

When explaining some of the details of our existence between lives, the entity Seth channeled by Jane Roberts humorously noted that he could offer no hope for the lazy.  Actually that was an introduction to a highly positive description that followed.

He was referring to those who think they will just sit back and adore God forever.  Instead, he explained, once you get your bearings and get past the illusory stage of the Belief System Territories, there are a lot of things to do and a lot of choices to make.

Are you going to incarnate again? (Most of us will.)  If so, when and where, and to which parents do you want to be born, in what culture?

Do you want to attend classes in music, science, personal expression of emotions or some other subject in preparation for your next incarnation?  (Although you are no longer bound by time as you are when in the physical, and you are aware that all things exist at once, if you want to go back into the time-space illusion of earth life, you have to play by those root assumptions and choose your time period, hence the word “next.”)

You can also have a lot of fun of your choosing, interacting with other spirits who are between lives, or with those “currently” alive to some extent, if it suits your positive purposes.  If you choose to take a break from earth lives and make your progress in some other reality for a while, that’s another option.  Some of us love earth life and are really good at it, while others don’t do too well in it and would prefer another environment for continued development.

Bob Monroe’s travels out of the body with his consciousness give us some idea of the awesome number of probabilities we can experience, via his personal experiences and the information relayed to him by the entities guiding him along in his travels.  It is interesting that, while he was fully grounded in running an organization here on earth and had the respect of many scientists, he remained open enough to new ideas and experiences, and knew enough to ask the right questions while out of body, so that we could all benefit from what he learned.

Evolution as Religion

Well, I’m finally getting back to my long neglected blog, and I’ll start today with a letter I sent yesterday to the editors of The Wall Street Journal, responding to the statement by another reader that anyone who considers evolution only theory and not established fact, is 10 years behind the times.  Here it is:

“Malcolm Williams’ letter (12/29) about evolution states that calling it a theory is a decade out of date.  From my perspective, he is about 60 years out of date.  By 2075 those of us living in the physical body will generally understand that consciousness creates matter (not the other way around), that the person we think we are is just a tiny portion of who we really are, that we’re powerful, eternal spirits who co-create what we experience, that we exist outside the body as well as in it, and that our consciousness is not limited by time and space.

“Scientists would know all that now if they did not stubbornly insist that information coming to us from people whose consciousness has escaped the limits of the physical body (“dead” people), cannot be valid.  It is consistent with their unfounded premise that if anything cannot be “proven” in the physical field, then it cannot be valid.

“But if they weren’t so narrow and arrogant, they would know that in 1940 (The Unobstructed Universe, by Stewart Edward White) we were informed by such people that matter is an “arrested frequency.” Everything that exists in the physical world also exists in the non-physical universe that surrounds us, but at a much higher frequency.   Various “consciousness gestalts” (degrees of complexity) exist in spirit form, including those for humans, horses, apes, electrical sparks, etc., and when they manifest in the physical, they must reduce the frequency dramatically.  That’s been expanded upon and explained many times since by other such people.

“Apart from that, though, how do the evolutionists square their theory with quantum physicists who tell us time and space are flexible and might not even exist outside our awareness of them, that we co-create probable universes, that at the heart of matter is not matter but only “dancing energy,” that even the tiniest bits of light or rock are conscious, and that the world cannot be as it appears to our five physical senses? Those are the issues they should address if they want to “prove” evolution.

“From my perspective, evolution is as much a fairy tale as the idea that a spiritual being created the earth in six days.  But how important is the entire question, given that earth is only one probable planet in one galaxy, existing at one of untold trillions of frequencies?

“Religion is someone’s explanation of how we on this particular version of earth came to be and where we’re going, with no scientific proof.  Evolution fits.  They tell us conscious beings developed as a result of chance meetings among material particles – but they have no proof.  So let evolution be taught, but as a religion, not as theory, and certainly not as fact.  ”

Dan McAneny, Bradenton FL, 941-388-8975

So what happens when you die?

The death experience is not the same thing as “being dead.” It’s like a short sightseeing trip compared to living an entire lifetime in a foreign country. A lot of people, though, are interested in what happens when we die. In Seth Speaks, Seth gives some excellent descriptions to help us understand. Here are short summaries of what I consider some of his best points there.

First, he reminds us that our waking consciousness, which we think is steady and continuous, actually is “pulsing,” blinking on and off at speeds so fast we cannot perceive the gaps. This doesn’t change the fact that we are in “off” mode about half the time, where our consciousness is not focused in this physical reality. In dreams we are in the “off” mode for longer periods, where our consciousness is focused in other realities.

What we call death, then, is just a longer period where our consciousness is not specifically focused in this earth-based material reality. That doesn’t mean it’s not focused in some reality.

Often we will be greeted by “people” in spirit form who are there to welcome us. It could be people close to use in our most recent life, or in past lives. Or just as often we will be greeted by spirits guides who take on the form of our loved ones and play the role of being them. Gradually we are informed of the true nature of our spirit being, and the pretenses can be dropped.

Progress along these lines is not the same for everyone. Those with rigid beliefs about what “heaven” or “hell” should be, will make slower progress because they are so fixated on those beliefs that it takes more “time” to explain true realities to them, but they make progress nevertheless. Like those used car places that advertise “Everybody rides!” — after we die, “Everybody makes progress!” It’s just at vastly different rates.

Another point – we consider ourselves to be dependent on one physical image. When we die our consciousness expands and we realize we are not dependent on any image at all. In fact, most of us will eventually adopt the form we had when we were at the peak of our physical or spiritual development in our most recent life, and keep that for some time until we gradually take on a finer spirit form as fits our purposes and progress level.

This next point is important. Even in life, though we might not realize it, we form what we experience according to our beliefs and expectations. It sometimes takes a while for our thoughts and expectations to materialize in our physical lives. But once we die? No delays! We immediately experience what we focus on and expect.

Once the newly dead get the hang of it, they start creating all kinds of fantastic realities, filled with immense estates, super powerful 60-foot long autos, idyllic mountain and seaside environments, attractive cities, and much more. This is what Bob Monroe called the “Belief System Territories,” where souls were exercising their abilities to create through thoughts and beliefs whatever they like.

Now to the stereotyped version of heaven, where people think the will sit (flit? stand? float?) around and just adore God. Sorry. Seth offers no hope for the lazy. Once you get past the Belief System Territories, there are a huge number of challenges, a huge number of decisions to make, and then you go about “studying” or learning whatever skills and traits you want to develop. It’s easier than it is here, but it is challenging nevertheless.

Some will want to prepare for their “next” incarnation, some will want to redo and perfect their immediately past life in spirit mode (not physical – we can’t go back to physical as we were), and some might even decide to leave the incarnational existences altogether. Death is not the same for everyone, any more than life is.

At this “time,” as you go about preparing, you become more fully aware of all your incarnations, all your probabilities, and all the incarnations of your “Big Self,” of whom you are an integral part. So you’ll have a sound perspective from which to make your choices as to your “next steps” in your path of progress.

Here’s a positive but challenging note. Most after-death environments are not somber at all, but rather joyous and intense. I call it the Big After-Death Party – spirits enjoying all kinds of stimulating experiences.

So what’s the challenge? Learning how to use our new freedoms to create, in existences where entirely new laws apply in terms of basic assumptions. You can be where want, when you want, doing what you want, but at some point you understand that you need to focus on creating abilities and traits that will serve you well in your overall progress.

One last embarrassing thing. I think it’s embarrassing anyway. In the death environment telepathy works all the time. That means other spirits will immediately know what you think about them. You can’t hide your emotions and feelings. There is absolutely no hypocrisy. Can you imagine how awkward that would be if it were an operating principle down here on earth?

Well, all that should give you some idea of what to “expect” after you die, but please remember, your immediate after-death experience will be formed largely according to the beliefs and expectations you bring to the party. If you think there is no consciousness after death, that’s what you’ll experience for some time until a guide helps you realize you’ve got lots to do.

If you expect pearly gates, they will be “materialized” for you. If you believe you’re going to hell, with lots of scary monsters, then for a time you’ll experience some version of that as well, but souls in that condition are usually quickly apprised of the real situation by guides whose job it is to help them, and then they begin to make progress.

So give some thought to what you expect after you die. And try to be positive. It can only help.

You’re Not at the Mercy of Karma or Childhood Experiences

A lot of people who believe in reincarnation also believe that “karma” applies, where we have to undergo unpleasant experiences in this life to make up for our failings in a past life or lives. Many sources tell us that is not so. You can read about some of them in “You’re Bigger Than Death … and life too.”

They tend to agree that the period in-between lives is, after some initial adjustments, a time of choosing. Depending on your circumstances, you might choose not to have another physical existence, or if you do, you might choose to develop one or more abilities, either in a balanced way, or with emphasis on just one, at the temporary expense of other abilities.

You’ll also choose the circumstances of your birth depending on what you decide you want to do in the “next” life — your sex, your parents, the country and culture in which you’ll exist, whether you’ll be wealthy, poor or somewhere between the two, and so on. The point is, you choose, and you are not forced to choose a life where you suffer a lot. You might choose such a life for any of a number of reasons, but you are not forced to — you choose to.

And remember, the point of power for all of us is the present moment. At any moment we can decide what kind of future we will bring in to our experience, so we do not need to remain limited or scarred by childhood experiences. We exist in an open reality. Time is open. At any point in it, we can focus with sufficient intensity to change the past and future which most impact our present. We are never at the mercy of anything except our own ability to create what we choose.

We Have No Limits

When Bob Monroe communicated to his daughter Laurie after he died, one of the things he emphasized was that mankind has no limits. The entity Seth channeled by Jane Roberts often emphasized the same thing — repeating a number of times that there are no limits to the self, and that our point of power, the spot where we can interact with all reality, is the present moment.

That’s an awfully positive statement in its implications. Carried to its logical conclusion, it means that whatever we have done in our lives up to the present, we don’t have to be bound by it. We can advance in a totally different direction that has little or nothing to do with what we’ve done in the past, or the limits we accepted.

The key is to start focusing on the future we want. When we do that, we set up a strong electromagnetic connection to that future (which already exists), and the universe operates in a way that, if we have enough intensity in our thoughts and emotions that relate to the new future, it will help us materialize it. That’s the way some people create wonderful worlds for themselves despite facing seemingly great odds.

In fact, the Seth entity went so far as to state that the soul (that’s you and me) is “the most highly motivated, most highly energized, and most potent consciousness unit known in any universe.”

Imagine the potential! In many ways, as Seth pointed out, we are each of us an “incipient god” in the sense that we normally think of a god as having very powerful abilities to create. Regardless of the label you put on yourself, though, the important thing is to begin appreciating your own power, including the power to do good, help others if we choose, and to create an environment that brings us great joy and satisfaction.

Physical Senses are a Pair of Glasses

Our physical senses actually actually form physical reality. They are not limited to just perceiving it. Our “inner senses” can perceive many more realities, but the physical senses are like a pair of glasses put over the inner senses, enabling us to focus just on this physical world around us, so that we can play the “Human Time-Space illusion” (HTSI) game.

If we could “turn off” our physical senses temporarily, and start perceiving the many other realities we’re part of and helping to create, we’d have a better understanding of our complete selves, and come to know that we are a spiritual soul, alive and aware and creating in many realities, and very powerful indeed.

As a soul, and not just as a “focus personality” so tightly focused on HTSI that we can see nothing else, we’d begin to understand that our “real” environment is composed of our thoughts and emotions. We’d understand that we have a responsibility to create our own world as best we can by controlling and directing our thoughts and emotions.

From that perspective, it is easy to understand that we are “works in progress,” learning to be responsible co-creators of our reality. When we’ve become proficient enough in doing that at some point in our incarnational existences here, we’re ready to go on to “bigger worlds” where we create with joy and abandon. Of course, that more proficient version of us already exists, since there is no time once you get out of our game.

Which is a very positive thing to think about. No need to worry. No matter how poorly we’re performing in a given life, we’re already there. We don’t need to be “saved,” because we’re already, in a larger focus, as saved and as powerful and creative as we want to be. So ease up, relax a bit, and know that all you need to do is “do the best you can.” That’s good enough.

Why Science Will Never Detect the Spirit World

The physical aspects of life as we know it are all camouflages created by us the spirits. That includes bodies, stones, mountains, the entire planet, and the entire galaxy and beyond. It’s a collaborative effort where we use tiny bits of consciousness (electromagnetic energy units) to create physical form from consciousness, in a process too complex to address here, even if I understood it fully.

But the point is, since we all have a hand in forming this camouflage universe of ours, as long as we are in the physical body and use only our physical senses, we will perceive only the camouflage reality — matter. The spirit source of matter will never be detected. We’ve got to use our inner senses to do that, and science would consider that nonsense.

Science assumes as a basic that matter is real, spirit is not. It assumes matter created consciousness, and not the other way around. But it is consciousness, the consciousness of spirit (consciousness is a property or capability of our spiritual being) that creates the grand illusion of matter. By its nature, science will never see beyond the illusion, which to it is “bedrock reality.”

But imagine the advances that could be made if our brilliant, well-intentioned scientists could tap into the wisdom of those currently in spirit form, but not ensconced in a body! We’d quickly discover how to create matter that brings us new materials with amazing properties, new forms of energy that do not pollute or cost much, new medical procedures and processes, and new modes of transportation and propulsion. Nice to imagine, and maybe someday we’ll experience it.

Progress Has Nothing to Do With Time

Proud of the fact that you have an obviously higher intellect than a lot of people? Think that you have automatically made progress from your past lives, or on the other hand, that you are being punished in some way, or have to endure some negative things, because of crimes or misdeeds in a past life? Sorry, but you’ve got it wrong.

All lives are simultaneous, you see, since there is no time outside our human time-space illusion (HTSI). So You The Big Self that you are might be experiencing yourself as a very smart individual in this life, while at the same time a “future you” could be an incarnation where the You the Big Self chooses for any of a variety of reasons to come into the HTSI with low intellect.

You might in that future focus personality desire to experience a life where emotions play a much larger role, for example, or where the person lives close to nature in a simple life, as a peasant in a third-world country might.

We are all multidimensional beings, learning the art of actualizing our thoughts, emotions, desires, etc., so that we progress (or not) from what we experience. Our various lives grow out of what our inner self is, and we have complete freedom to choose from an infinite number of environments, attitudes, behaviors and roles, what we will experience in a given life. Those are all stage settings for our overall learning and growing purpose … and they are all going on at the same time!

Start Dreaming!

I have finished publishing my small book on a particular type of nanosilver, “The Silver Water Coincidences,” (available on Amazon) and so now I can turn my attention back to this blog. Recently I decided to re-read “Seth Speaks,” and write a blog entry on any thought that particularly impresses me as being potentially helpful to people.

The problem is, there is a great idea on every page! So I’ll start with the idea I got last night, where Seth suggested that by becoming more familiar with your dream landscape, you will get a much better idea of what the after-death environment is like, and so hasten your progress, and make the going easier, once you have left the limits of the physical body.

Well, I asked for dreams that would help me understand more, and also where I could help people if I’m capable of that. Well, I might or might not have succeeded on those counts, but wow, did I have a lot of dreams! I need to get disciplined again and write them down or dictate them as soon as I remember them, and at this point 12 hours later I still remember a few of the dozen or so I had, but one in particular might interest anyone.

I was outside looking up, and there was a family in a kind of square basket of metal mesh, so that I could see through the bottom, and they were flying pretty high, with two American flags, one after the other, flying behind them the way that planes at the beach carry advertising signs behind them. I did not notice the method of propulsion.

Then I looked to the right, a bit lower, and I saw a woman flying in a similar machine, with some type of flag behind her, flying at treetop level into some woods. Very exciting!

The other dreams included one where I was watching an old movie on TV with my grandson, and it is amazing to me how much detail about the plot and the script was involved. Then I realized that others outside had been cleaning up debris, so I reluctantly decided we could skip the rest of the movie and get outside to start cleaning up the tree limbs, sticks and other trash. As I was doing this, I realized I was at the location of the home where I grew up in New Jersey.

I shifted from one type of dream to another that was seemingly unrelated to the first. So what’s the point?

Well, as Seth stated, in the after-death environment, once you have passed through certain phases after death, ideas, thoughts and emotions are instantly “materialized” in spirit form, and events do not occur one after the other. They are all created by you simultaneously, and the associative process works instead of cause and effect. So there might be some slight connection between the dreams that you’d never logically think of, but there they all are for you to experience.

Edgar Cayce and others, as well as Seth, state that you also solve problems in dreams, and that you try out different probable paths of action in life to see what will most likely happen if you go in a particular direction. Then depending on what you experience, you act accordingly in life, choosing the one that turned out best for you in the dream. I remembered making a career decision 40 years ago when I felt tremendous sadness after I made one of the choices available to me, and so didn’t go in that direction.

One interesting point Seth makes about the dream world, which I haven’t seen anywhere else, is that the dream world is just as real as the world we see about us every day, that it exists whether we visit it or not, and to personalities in the dream world, we are as ghostly and dream-like to them as they are to us.

While learning to suggest, experience and remember dreams can be helpful in the ways mentioned, it can also be a lot of fun. You can have experiences you otherwise might never have, like my seeing the flying people, and if you keep a record, you will have the memories of your dreaming self that are just as real to you as memories of your waking self.

Seth explains that we perceive only a little bit of what is going on around us when we confine ourselves to our normal waking senses, and that we could experience a lot more if we temporarily put our sensory mechanisms “on hold” and try to see where there is seemingly nothing, and hear where there is seeming silence. Dreaming lets us do that automatically.

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