Tag Archives: probable realities

Great News! By 2075 …

In re-reading Seth Speaks for perhaps the 20th time, I was reminded of the entity’ Seth’s prediction that the “Second Coming” would be happening by 2075.  Seth did not make predictions as a rule, because the existence of probabilities makes them meaningless.  There are so many probable variations of events that one or another version might be experienced by a particular individual.

In this case, however, he noted that the general lines of probability were firmly enough set already that he could state with a good degree of certainty that those of us alive in 2075 would be experiencing what it’s like to exist as a human with an entirely new set of understandings about who we are and what we are capable of, thanks to the return of one aspect of the Christ personality.

A bit of background.  According to Seth, the Christ entity was too powerful to be contained in one focus personality.  So it energized three separate personalities — John the Baptist, the historical figure known as Christ, and Saul who became Paul.  It was Paul who needs to come back, because when he set up the structure of the Church, inevitably humans steered it far away from its intended purpose and message.  So he has to come back to correct it.

In practical terms, what that means is people will no longer experience their consciousness as imprisoned within a physical body.  They will understand that it extends out into “space,” and into “time,” and they can travel with their consciousness to different places and times.

Some corollaries to that are, they will have a much greater understanding of their connection with other humans, animals, and with nature and the earth.  They will begin to understand that they are an integral part of a Big Self that includes many humans playing many roles in various realities, and so the interactions among humans will change dramatically for the better.  Many of us will understand that the spirit creates matter, and that we can take a much greater hand in controlling what we experience by taking charge of our thoughts and beliefs and what we choose to focus our consciousness on.

Just one example — right now we think objects are solid things outside of us.  By then we will know that if we organize the perceptive abilities of our consciousness in a different way, we will directly experience that the objects are only solid if we restrict ourselves to our present mode of perceiving.  We will know that they are just external symbols of our internal beliefs, thoughts, emotions and expectations — and that we can change them as we wish.

It won’t be heaven on earth, but it will sure be a lot better than what we have now.  And the exciting part is, this is only about 60 years away!!!  That means young kids today will be able to experience this reality, and those of us who will “die” in the next 20 years might well be reincarnated by that time as young people.

So we’ve got some exciting times ahead of us, and we can get a head start on this wonderful era by beginning to understand some of these things now, at least in principle, so that we prepare the way for the “Second Coming.”  Incidentally, Seth stated it’s really the 3rd coming in one sense, because the Christ entity has been coming into the earth reality many, many times for thousands of years in different guises, but only in two of them was he recognized — in Atlantis and at the time of our Christ.

Each time the purpose is to help guide us along in our growth and progress and understanding, using whatever level of teaching we can handle at that “time.”  At the time of our Christ, he had to speak in terms of a Father and Son because the people living then could not have understood anything more complex.  Now we can, and by 2075 we’ll be ready for much better things!