Tag Archives: purpose in life

You are here for me to love you

“You are here for me to love you” sounds nice, doesn’t it?  But what does it mean?  All of us know people we don’t care for.  And we are all aware of dictators and tyrants who kill and torture people.  Are we supposed to love them?  We certainly don’t love the torture and killing.

Actually, it only makes sense if you understand that the world we know is an illusion, the “Human Time-Space Illusion” (HTSI) as Bob Monroe, the famous out-of-body explorer termed it — a kind of “camouflage universe” supported by a deeper underlying “spirit” reality that makes this one possible.

And I am certainly not here to love those tyrants at the level of their “focus personality.”  You see, whether they know it or not, these tyrants are an integral and essential part of a Big Self, a spirit that has many personalities going on at the same “time,” in different centuries, with different sexes, races, cultures, social positions, levels of intelligence and emotional capabilities.

No, it only makes sense for all of us to be here for the purpose of loving one another if we think in terms of the Big Self, the eternal spirit that each of us is.

It would help you to understand this more easily if you read my book,  “You’re Bigger Than Death … and life too.  But you don’t have to read it.  It is a summary of what respectable people who died over the past century or so have come back to tell us what it is like after death and before birth … in between lives, which all happen to be going on at the same time.  Of course, time doesn’t mean the same thing to someone who has “died” as it does to us.  They come to realize that they can slip in and out of different time frames.

And they understand that there is no “death” as we understand the term.  Rather, death is just an expansion of consciousness, where they become aware of greater realities underlying HTSI.  They also know that they have chosen to enter into HTSI, in order to experience its emotions and other conditions that will be found only here.  Many spirits choose never to try out the earth experience, and as a result they never have “earthiness” in the nature of their spirit.  Kind of like Dr. Spock, who does not know what emotion is.

At any rate, it’s been 13 years since I completed my book, and a lot has happened since then.  Also, the book has too much in it for many people.  In the years since, I’ve had hundreds of thoughts come to me about how people would feel better about life, themselves, and their future if they understood some of these things.  So instead of writing another long book, I decided to just put them down on a day-to-day basis in this blog, as they occur to me.

As for the title, one of the big purposes we’re here for is to learn to love another, and to learn that we all emanate energy every day to all that we experience, and it can be loving, supportive energy … or something else.  We’re also here to learn how to use our power to create in this illusory universe, before we go on to bigger and better things.

Regardless, though, it should be comforting to anyone that we’re already there — we’re already eternal, powerful spirits, as developed and “perfect” as we’ll ever be — we just don’t know it because a part of us is so focused in on participating in this HTSI universe, that we can’t perceive the larger picture.

And it’s exciting to think that as we travel through our earth incarnations, and as we as spirits go on to other types of realities after our earthly incarnational experiences, our awareness  of this much better, much more enjoyable, larger reality continues to increase.

You don’t have to be real smart to appreciate and understand all these things.  It’s really very simple.  And if I achieve my goal in writing this blog, you will feel a lot better about yourself, your life and your destiny as I share some simple thoughts with you as they occur to me.  So we’ll see what happens.